
Crainer crundee craft 6
Crainer crundee craft 6

crainer crundee craft 6

*Time skip!!!! Brought to ya by CAPTAINSPARKLEZ!!!!!! After Ssundee got the pizza. I ordered a pizza and moved Crainer over so I could sit and watch youtube on the TV. I went back on twitter and started looking at the comments on the picture that I took. I posted the picture on twitter and I started reading the comments on my video.Ĭrundeeshipper227: OMG I HAVE BEEN WAITING A TROLL LIKE DIS FOR FOREVER!!!!!!!EEEEEEE!!!!įuntime_freddy_scary: I AM NOT PREPARED FOR THIS!!!!!!! GET THE CAKE AND COBBLE AND DIRT!!!!! HURRY!!!! Apparently Crainer is really tired cause he didn't notice me taking the picture. So I sat on the floor next to him and put my head on his chest and took a selfie. I thought of the "Crundee thing" that Crainer is always talking about. I went down stairs to find Crainer asleep on the couch. (7:00pm) "Oh crap well that took longer than expected." I said. I grabbed my phone and saw what time it was. I finished editing the video and posted it.

crainer crundee craft 6

I went into single player to show my viewers what Crainer was going to go through. I finished all the setting up all the command blocks, redstone, coodinates. *A CRAP TON OF MINUTES LATER!!!!!! Brought to you by BOBBY!!!!!!!* In the game I flew over to Crainer's house and started making the troll. Ok! I am going to stay silent in 3, 2, 1. "Hey guys Sundee here, and today I am in Denmark at Crainer's house! So can't say anything or else Crainer will hear me and it will ruin the troll. OMG I GOT IT!!! After I set up, I got on the loading screen and started recording. How am I going to troll Craft video, cause if Crainer hears me recording then the troll would be ruined. I soon relized I was supposed to do a Troll Craft video.

crainer crundee craft 6

Crainer lead me into an extra room, where I started unpacking.

Crainer crundee craft 6